Thursday, June 11, 2015

A belated happy one-year Iowa-versary to me!

Today marks my one year and a week and a halfish-iversary of living in Iowa. I drafted an entire post complete with pictures and the whole works on the actual day of the celebratory event, but even I got bored with the year's recap that I just decided to scrap it and start over "in a week or so." Well, hi. It's been a week or so.

Because it's been a while and I'm long-winded I could bore you with a long litany of things that have been keeping me ever-so-busy in recent weeks. But instead I'll just give you a short list, for "funsies," as they* say.

((* they = me))

1) Vacation Bible School.  (Who is this a vacation for anyway?) A friend at church convinced us we'd "be great" as crew leaders, so we thought we'd give it a go. It did not go unnoticed that the other crew leaders were either mothers that had their children there, or teachers, but it was good to see how we worked together as a team while trying to constantly gather up the little chicks as we moved from station to station.

VBS summed up in our words:

Kelsey: "What is the actual purpose of VBS? I feel like a glorified babysitter. But without the glory."

Lee:  "VBS was like herding cats. Regardless of how hard you tried, the kids just kind of did their own thing."

And there you have it. We decided that we'll help out again (maybe) when we have our own cats kids to herd...

2) Strawberries. I just really like 'em. A lot. And they are in season. And that means they are cheap. Or at least, cheapER. I love me a good helping of these delicious, red berries. In fact, I bet I could write an "Ode to Strawberry," or even an entire post dedicated to my shallow affection for this outer-seeded berry. Instead, all I will say is that, mmmm. Strawberries.

In AN attempt to live within my means, I only buy berries when they are on sale (because otherwise GOODBYE food budget), so I have been livin. it. up. the past few weeks with the strawberries being 2/$5. Never have I appreciated that more than I do this year for some reason. #adultlife

3) Wisconsin. Yep. Went there last weekend and soaked in some really happy family time. Rusty's favorite thing (aside from a b-i-k-e  r-i-d-e, which you better not actually say in front of him lest you have a crying pup within seconds wondering why you aren't getting your shoes on) is climbing in the laundry basket as soon as clothes exit the dryer. I brought home my dirty laundry and as soon as I set the basket on the floor, this happened:

Oh Rusterford (as Lee calls him). You cute little devil, you.

4) Wedding planning and family time. Mom and I did wedding planning galore (flowers, linens and decor, oh my!), and on Saturday night the whole fam-dam'ly was able to kick back, eat supper, porch-sit and play Mexican Train Dominoes (contender to be my all-time favorite game...this month). Mom's cousin Kurt stopped over after playing a harmless prank on us and ended up getting in on the domino action, which made me desire small-town and/or a more integrated community life even more. Kev isn't in the picture, but you'll notice the Mexican beer he proudly (and very intentionally) enjoyed while we played.

5) Soccer. Remember how I mentioned the soccer league I signed up for? We had our first game on Monday and I am proud to say that not only did I survive, but I enjoyed it. I wasn't sure how playing soccer for the first time in eight years would go, especially in an unseasoned poorly warmed-up body. All things considered (and all the things were: having no subs, being the only female on the team, playing defense while being one of the biggest wusses ever), our first game went pretty well. We also have some stellar forwards and outside mids (Lee), so that made my job as defender a whole lot easier.

I was feeling all happy and riding out that endorphin high on Monday night and then Tuesday morning hit, and I could barely walk. Embarrassingly so. I have been sore before, but this definitely reached a new level. I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it until I met Lee for lunch yesterday (Wednesday) and he pointed out my "gingerly walking" and asked how my legs were feeling. But it's okay because healthy competition = good for me every once in a while. And apparently so does exercise.

6) This video. And that hat. Mostly just because I bought this hat in the name of skin protection.

Linking up today with Ana over here for a summer link-up!

p.s. 4 months from yesterday you can refer to me as Mrs. Kersting! Lee's thoughts on that:

Nailed it.

Hasta sometime soon,
Kelsey Marie


  1. LOVE this. I was just thinking, "I wish Kelsey would post something soon," and you did. not. disappoint. Happy 1-ish year anniversary, you quasi-Iowan, you. ;) xoxo

  2. Yay, love this- thanks for linking up!

    I too am in love with strawberries and I can't wait for our girls to start VBS in 2 weeks, happy summer!!
