Sunday, August 5, 2012

Family Vacation: Day 2

Luckily today was much more happenin' than yesterday. I most pleasantly awoke to the sounds of mom and dad talking.
Dad: What should we do about Kels, she's still asleep?
Mom: Wake her up!

....then I proceeded to hear mom come out and start talking to me while not making out much of what she said, minus the fact that she thought I was ridiculous for using a beach towel as a blanket. Hey, when you are short on actual blankets and have a two-person towel that's actually clean, you won't mind using it so much. In fact, I rather enjoyed it.

St's Anne and Joachim. Sanctuary. Yes, this is in Fargo, ND.
We were up and at 'em in no time and hit up Mass in south Fargo at one of my all-time fave churches, stopped by Caribou for some coffee (and obviously to show mom and dad one of my favorite hot-spots in the area) and then thought we'd pick up some garbage bags from Wal-Mart. After being perplexed by the completely empty parking lot, we proceeded to walk right past a sign telling us they didn't open until noon. Sure did feel silly after that one. (But not until we walked over to the door to the Market side and saw the sign over there...noticing we walked by the same one on the other side...)
Empty Wal-Mart parking lot, say WHAT!

Not sure how we missed this bad boy...
We didn't let a little law-abiding ruin our morning, no no! Instead we came back and worked hard as we Germans tend to do. Simply sifting through everything that I had packed so neatly (cue: eye roll) and organized so carefully (cue: thorn in my side) before leaving Fargo in a rush merely two months ago took quite a bit of time! Apparently my organization skills need some w-o-r-k.
Dad checking for leaks in the air mattress... Break time.
Tonight we had dinner at the Breen family household. Josie, as you know is one of my disciples and close friends at NDSU, and her family has basically adopted me into their own here in Fargo. They have seven children of their own and certainly do not hesitate to welcome shy, lost FOCUS missionaries, not unlike myself (cue: apology, that's not entirely true), into their loving arms. Not only did they make us a delicious meal (grilled pizza + juicy corn on the cob + brownies and ice cream = very happy Kaufman's), but the hospitality was just delightful. Sitting around the table with Pat, Brenda and five of the seven kids it felt like we had known the family for years and were getting together again to catch up. Swapping stories about the kids, the Church, our lives, and who knows what else, I definitely could get used to that. I sure do hope it's not the last time we have that opportunity!
Reunited and SO great! Josie, Miriam and Madeline Breen.

Tomorrow Annette, JR and myself are leaving for Sioux Falls, SD and the adventure will continue, and hopefully when we arrive there we don't have to do as much unpacking, cleaning and organizing. Not that those things aren't absolutely wonderful and necessary, but let's be real, we're on vacation.
This house, just two blocks from my old apt was featured on House Hunters!
Catch you on the flipside!

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